Apply For Finance Online

Please complete the following application form to apply for finance through Easy Driver.

Looking for more information on finance?

View our finance information page here to learn about our commitment to responsible lending as well as how our weekly finance repayments are calculated.

2016 Mazda Biante
138,343km, Automatic, Petrol, 1997cc $12,990
Note: Clean Car fee/rebate may also apply

1. Applicant Information

Please enter your first name(s)
Please enter your last name
Please enter your date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
Please enter a valid email address
Please enter a contact number
Please enter your marital status
Please enter the number of dependants
Please enter drivers licence no
Please enter drivers licence version no
Own House
Please enter a Tenancy Type
Please enter a your address
Please enter the years lived at the above address
Please enter a your address
Please enter the years lived at the above address
Please enter your employer
Please enter your occupation
Please enter your employer
Please enter your occupation
Please describe the vehicle you wish to finance
Please enter the amount you wish to finance

Before completing this application it is a requirement that you read and accept the below Privacy Act Statement.

I UNDERSTAND that Easy Driver will refer this application to a relevant provider of Motor Vehicle finance (the “Financier”).

I DECLARE that the information provided herein is true, correct, and complete.

I AGREE to immediately advise Easy Driver of any change to the information contained in this application.

This information may be used by the Financier to consider my application for finance and I understand that the Financier may make enquiries about me from, and disclose personal information to, and/or obtain any information about me. In this regard I authorise the Financier to make inquiry, and any such third party to provide to the Financier information about me that they consider necessary for such purposes, including:

  • Obtaining from Equifax New Zealand Information Services and Solutions Limited (“Equifax”), and/or Centrix Group Limited (“Centrix”) any information which it holds and which may assist you in assessing my creditworthiness or in verifying my identity as may be required by the AML laws;
  • The Financier may access name and address or other information about me from NZ Transport Agency, and/or from any public register including the Register of Drivers Licences and the Motor Vehicle Register, and doing so even if I have previously advised the Motor Vehicle Register or other register that I did not want information held by it to be disclosed
  • Making fine status queries about me from Ministry of Justice - Where I have provided driver licence information for that purpose, I have done so voluntarily and understand that I am not obliged to do so.
  • My current or previous employer, landlord (or their real estate or other agent), the contacts provided in this application.
  • Any other government departments including Work and Income New Zealand, Dept of Corrections, Customs Service New Zealand, Inland Revenue Department, Kāinga Ora Homes and Communities (previously Housing NZ).

I UNDERSTAND THAT I have the right to access and correct personal information held by you or the Financier by contacting you or the Financier and that I may access and correct the information held by the named credit reporting agencies by writing to them at:

  • Equifax at Private Bag 92156, Victoria Street, Auckland
  • Centrix at PO Box 62512 Greenlane Auckland 1546

To verify your acceptance of the above Privacy act statement please enter the word ACCEPT into the text box below and click the apply for finance button.
